How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None!
Delicious O'Grady is a tradicomedy set in the time of the Great Irish Famine(though it wasn't that great).
Inspired by the satirical works of Flann O'Brien, this circus theatre piece tells the tale of a family and its demise during the great hunger. It is a story of love, loss and potatoes. Few artists tackle this still painful subject. Colm O'Grady has found a way to depict the story of his imaginary ancestor with irreverence, wit and high level physical skills. He brings to life characters who may have lived through the blight and died of it. O'Grady presents a show that is touching, hilarious and uplifting.
Caution: Contains nudity and potatoes.
Directed by Cal Mc Crystal (Cirque du Soleil, The Mighty Boosch)

Show Review: (Read the whole review)
Delicious O Grady is the stupidest show I have seen at Absolut Fringe, but also the funniest. I don t mean stupid as an insult - though the jokes are awful (it 'is' about the Famine), the characters grotesque parodies and the premise completely implausible - I mean it s stupid how enjoyable this is when it shouldn t be. Though a one man show, I ve seen lesser shows with six. Colm O'Grady s clowning skill is showcased here in a show combining sketches, film, dance, song, potatoes, acrobatics and more. There are some great moments in the madness here. This is the show to see if you want to laugh at silliness. You ll see the ending a mile off - you couldn t predict it in 800 years. Great fun. I ve seen Colm s street theatre a few times and this is radically different. I don t know if it will be to everyone s taste - there were moments I was thinking what the hell? but the laughter of the audience and me and the moments of genius more than compensated.
by Darragh Doyle 'This is What I do'

Delicious O'Grady

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